Vehicle Branding
Branded vehicles are a smart and reasonably priced approach for your company to go public, as well as a great way to leave an unforgettable lasting first impression on potential clients and customers. We provide complete or partial vehicle branding services, including concept development, graphic design, and vehicle wrapping, all customized to meet the branding requirements of your business.
In addition to being a very wise and profitable investment in your overall brand strategy—especially when compared to other brand marketing channels—our decades-long experience in vehicle branding has taught us that vehicle wraps benefit your company in the following ways:
Brand Familiarity: According to some statistics, sixty percent of buyers prefer to make purchases from brands they are at least somewhat familiar with than those they are not. Imagine that every morning when you go for your run, you pass a truck that has a distinctive brand logo wrapped around it. Without fail, the truck drives by every day. And when you go to the convenience store for cereal the next time, you see that the same brand is available. That is the power of familiarity: there is a very good chance that you will feel intimately familiar with the product and decide to buy it on the basis of this familiarity.
Brand CTA: Enveloping your company vehicle with a wrap affords you the privilege of exposing your brand’s call-to-action liner which is capable of enforcing or strengthening brand familiarity and inducing conversion to potential passers-by who happen to catch sight of it regularly.